Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to understand the lived experiences of teachers of the challenges and opportunities of e-citizenship education in elementary school. This qualitative research was conducted using the phenomenological method. The method of data collection was the use of semi-structured interviews. The statistical population of the present study was all teachers who were familiar with the subject. For this purpose, the data were collected by interviewing 15 teachers who had lived experience in the field. And analyzed by Strabert and Carpenter (2003). The analysis of the interviews identified four main themes including cultural challenges, social challenges, economic and structural challenges, and 19 sub-themes. Opportunities and challenges include full participation, familiarity with diversity, cultural maturity, focus on the interests of the child, non-prescriptive nature, avoidance of prejudice, practicality, cost-effectiveness, avoidance of wasted resources, loss of dry communication between teachers and learners, the direct relationship between teacher and learner, risk of cultural rupture, ethnic and cultural stereotypes, cultural narcissism. The risk of intellectual fragmentation was the risk of superior self-exaltation, high cost of infrastructure, complex and multi-layered structure, and confusion. Therefore, it can be said that e-citizen education is associated with many challenges and opportunities. These challenges are very important in the various elements of the curriculum.


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