Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.A.student of Department of Education, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Characteristics of Post-Postmodernism in the Light of the Digital Age
Mohsen Farmahini Farahani (Professor, Shahed University)
Fernaz Farmahini Farahani (Master's student in Philosophy of Education)
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to introduce post-postmodernism and its basic characteristics with regard to the digital age.The research method is descriptive and analytical. The concept of post-modernism and same concepts and its origins specifies and then paid post-postmodernism characteristics. Post - Postmodernism is an intellectual development that is to followed by periods postmodernism and a cultural and philosophical movement that plays critique of postmodern. post-postmodernism criticized modernism and postmodernism. But also accepts some views of each . Post-postmodernism philosophical views contain some elements of both modernism and postmodernism. This movement with different names such as trans-modernism, pseudo-modernism, remodernism, meta-modernism, digimodernism , newmodernism has also been raised again. Two major features of post-postmodernism is Access and Excess. In post-postmodernism respect for the ancient and traditional style unlike modernism and postmodernism, is very important. Cynicism, nihilism, relativism and anti-Enlightenment criticized, but at a reasonable level accepts of optimism, absolutism, foundationalim and universal. Post-postmodernism revive the meta-narratives. Furthermore, emphasis on globalization, promoting the importance of different cultures, and cultural appreciation, as well as is anti-imperialist and anti-eurocentrism. Environmentalism, environmental protection and the importance of Ecology (Ecology) are important aspects of the theory of post-postmodernism. While postmodernism is more focused on De, post-postmodernism, focusing on Re. Post-postmodernism emphasis on code, distribution networks, games, Google, access, databases, hypertext, several versions, Internet, oxymoron, special educational implications creates the need for effort in this regard there . Which provides special educational implications. That there is need for effort in this regard.
Keywords: post-postmodernism, characteristics of post-post modernism, postmodernism, Digital Age
