Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor at Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Educational Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Epistemology is a philosophical category that discusses the nature of truth, learning, and knowing, which itself indicates the existence of a relationship between the subject of epistemology and education. In this context, epistemology has the greatest impact on teaching methods. Distance education, by creating the necessary facilities for communication and information exchange not only between teachers and students but also among the students themselves, provides a new space for learning.This type of educational environment is based on the constructivist approach. In this approach, strategies are provided to learners to help them learn how to learn and construct meanings. Each scientific discipline fundamentally follows a specific philosophy in order to theorize. The present research is considered fundamental research in terms of research orientation.The present research is classified as fundamental research in terms of its orientation. In terms of data collection methods, it was conducted with a qualitative approach. To identify the dimensions of the main components of the third generation knowledge model of distance education, thematic analysis strategy and the method of theme networks were utilized with the help of semi-structured interviews.The extracted comprehensive themes of third generation epistemology in distance education are categorized into 5 areas (individual competency, social interaction competency at the international level, constructivist teaching competency, virtual space support, evaluation and supervision support) and 17 organizing themes:
1. Skills
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Competencies
4. Psychological factors
5. Building trust
6. Creating coordination
7. Establishing communication
8. Technical competency
9. Scientific competency
10. Managerial competency
11. Hardware infrastructure
12. Software infrastructure
13. Evaluation and supervision of teaching methods of instructors
14- Evaluation and supervision of students
15- Continuous training for instructors
16- Cultural promotion of epistemology in distance education
17- Identification of obstacles and challenges and 88 foundational themes have been determined and introduced.
