Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD), Associate Professor Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Institute of Research and Planning in Higher Education, Iran .

2 PhD graduate in Philosophy of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD), Full Professor. Department of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this research was to design and validate the model of encouraging elementary school, which was in terms of method, a combination of qualitative methods of phenomenography and synthesis and quantitative method with the design of a questionnaire. the Tripartite Encouragement Model, consisting of the first dimension, includes the four categories of feedback and information, peace and respect, interest and enthusiasm, and trust and communication; The second dimension includes the categories of independence, competence, satisfaction and communication; The third dimension includes two categories, first, educational design, which includes six subcategories of improving teachers' motivation, new approaches to educational design, creating enthusiasm in the classroom, presenting goals and expectations, using active and exploratory methods, and designing targeted and challenging assignments; and second, communication methods in two negative parts, including six subcategories of feedback based on judgment and criticism, praise and praise based on control and talent, reward and reward, comparison and competition, fear and anxiety, uncontrollable documents, and positive including seven categories that were designed in contrast to the negative categories and their substitutes, controllable documents, the right to choose, cooperation and friendship, learning responsibility, praise and praise based on effort and reasoning, descriptive feedback based on the process and inducing the joy of learning
