Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member of Payam Noor University

2 Member of the academic staff of Islamic Azad University


Purpose: The purpose of the research is to identify and prioritize the primary and basic requirements for smartening schools.
Method: In terms of practical purpose, this research is mixed (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of data collection, and in terms of descriptive and exploratory nature, and in terms of quantitative method, it is of applied type. The strategy used in the qualitative section is the Delphi technique. The statistical population of the qualitative and quantitative section was 19 people from the education experts of Khuzestan province, who were selected non-probably by snowball sampling method. First, with semi-structured interviews and existing texts, all the factors and elements related to the smartening of schools were counted and then the Analytical Hierarchy (AHP) technique was used to determine and rank the main and secondary factors. The validity of the tool was confirmed by experts and its reliability was confirmed by calculating the inconsistency rate.
Findings: The results of the qualitative part showed that management factors, teacher empowerment, teaching and learning, participation, hardware, software, economic factor and cultural factor are the primary and basic requirements of school smartening. Also, management factor with a value of 0.152 in the first place, teacher empowerment with a value of 0.141 in the second place, hardware with a value of 0.136 in the third place, teaching and learning with a value of 0.128 in the fourth place, software with a value of 0.121 in the fifth place, participation with a value of 0.115 in the sixth place, economic factor with a value of 0.104 in the seventh place and finally cultural factor with a value of 0.096 with the least influence in the eighth place are ranked.
Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be concluded that paying attention to the identified requirements play an important role in making the
