Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Educational Technology, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this research is to develop and validate an appropriate model for measuring productivity with a digital transformation approach in the organizational processes of the education system in Mazandaran province. The qualitative research method utilized content analysis with inductive categorization. Data were collected from 12 experts through semi-structured interviews. Non-random sampling was conducted using the snowball technique to reach theoretical saturation. In the second phase of the research, a quantitative approach purposed at fitting the conceptual model derived from the qualitative phase was employed. A researcher-made questionnaire was designed and distributed to the statistical population. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed using statistical analyses. The Cronbach's alpha value was reported as 0.84, indicating the desirable reliability of the tool. The method and analysis tools in the qualitative phase were analyzed and coded using MAXQDA software. Categories were extracted and analyzed inductively. In the quantitative phase, confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyze the data. This analysis examined the factor loadings between the questionnaire items and the latent variables. SPSS and LISREL software were used for this purpose.
The results of the qualitative section showed that the dimensions of the productivity measurement questionnaire with a digital transformation approach are significant at a level smaller than 0.01 in 5 main components: digital support transformation, digital human resource transformation, digital management transformation, digital software transformation, and digital hardware transformation. In the quantitative section, confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the factor loadings between the questionnaire items and the latent variables were statistically significant, and the model fit indices were at a desirable level. Therefore, it can be stated that the level of realization of the digital transformation approach in the organizational processes of the education system in Mazandaran province is less than the desirable amount. These results show the necessity of paying more attention to the implementation of digital approaches in this organization.


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